Tolkien’s Dreams

Tolkien’s Dreams

Hobbits and Dragons, Dwarves and Elves
All part of Tolkien’s dreams
In a land of magical mysteries of an age gone by it seems
In the Middle Earth where Goblins roamed
Along with fearless men
Was it simply a dream of wondrous things
Or really exist back then
Was Gandalf imagined or did he live
A Wizard like Merlin…and more
Did his magic walk forgotten lands as many have before
Was Tolkien a dreamer or merely a man
With a lost piece of History to tell
Of battles, and kings, and cities laid low
That only old Bilbo knew well
Did Elrond and Aragorn only exist inside of Tolkien’s head
Or was it all true and the Elves just decide
To hide from us Mortals instead
Are the Dwarves of the Mountain so hard to see
Imagine if only you will
And look around, my friend…you’ll note
The Dwarves are with us still


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