Be Only Yourself

Be Only Yourself

Only I am myself as only you are yourself
and one will never ‘know’ the other
I would be but a fool to attempt to know your feelings…
or to think your thoughts
as you would be to attempt inheritance of mine
To believe we could ever hope to alter each other
would be just as foolish…
and even more futile
If we should be compatible…
the outcome can be but happiness in each other
where to be incompatible…
would never in reality hope to touch that point
Let us never ‘hate’ for disliking the choices
or pleasures of the other
Rather… let us walk separate paths
and be grateful to have held each other
and feel only love and respect for each individual
that is happy being who he is
If mutual happiness be the inevitable outcome…
let us abound in that happiness together
while living with, and enjoying, the individuality therein

Above all… be only yourself…
as I will be only myself
and in that way alone shall we truly find happiness
Be it together or separate from one another should matter not
For is it not for this happiness that life itself
is the beauty that it is


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